

     I'm going to write an eljay post about this, but I spent 2 hours tonight writing back story for the narrator of this horror bit. (Note to self: come up with working title other than "monster movie...") This helped with finally getting the voice of the secondary character, the motivational guy. He's not really a motivational guy like Matt Foley. He's just a driven person, and my narrator is willingly swept up by this guy in whatever must be done.
     The way things are written right now, you find out that the Driver (in more than one sense) is a werewolf pretty much up front. You don't find out that the narrator is a vampire for 2 or 3 pages. This wasn't done to build up suspense. The narrator is not willing to admit to every Joe Schmoe that he sucks the blood of the living. He's had to hide it for a long time. I think he only admits to it because his listener stuck with him through what they found in the woods.
     In the back story bit, I don't know who the listener is, but they already knew that the narrator was a vampire. They knew that the driver was a werewolf as well, but they didn't know about him as a person. The back story explains a lot about the driver and gives me a stronger sense of the narrator. The back story is not going into the final written story, though. It might be referred to. (I guess I'm the listener for the back story, but I know that I'm not for the main narrative.)

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